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We combine building permit data with building inspections, census, topography, weather, and real estate transactions to form the most comprehensive understanding of the building contractor market.
We provide go-to-market data for the building trades. We tag and tie 100 million building permits with 4 million contractors nationwide so companies can build software products and GTM solutions for the construction industry. Our advantage is we use multiple vendors and our own data extraction expertise to ensure that all permits are gathered from every permitting jurisdiction in our geographies. Man do not know that permit data is notoriously messy, which is why we go out of our way to cleanse and normalize data so it is easy to consume. We then layer multiple datasets to discover new statistical relationships between permits, contractors, and properties. We process millions of records continually and can serve daily, weekly, or monthly refreshes. We sell by geography and pricing depends on whether historical data is included, how often you need updates, and how each client consumes their data.
We are seeking data wranglers and data cleaners for the day to day administrations tasks of classifying and fixing typos and errors that are often found in the numerous building permits that we produce for contractors. We are also seeking anyone in the community that is curious about how to make building permits more usable and auxiliary data sets that we can tack onto building permits and assist with building present and future plans and expansions in the business.
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This is an opportunity to work with another side hustler to build something new. Share a few thoughts to get the conversation started.

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