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We provide compliance management, hotline & sanction screening solutions that focus on your long-term business needs.
We believe people matter most of all, and the workplace must be a place where employees thrive, are protected, and make a difference in the community regardless of their background. on a mission to make the world a better workplace by giving leaders who care actionable insight, tools, and services to mitigate risks, engage employees, and build strong cultures.
We've been growing and we're conscious all the time that we can only achieve our mission, by adding great people to our team, whether we're building software or sending out invoices or taking discrimination calls or doing sales interactions or whatever it is. The biggest areas that we're growing in are really on our sales and go to market team. And that's kind of entry level from direct sales development reps through account managers and customer success in AEs. And then on our software team, that's really where most of our growth is. We're really excited to be growing in customer success and making sure that we're really doing our best to take care of our customers and drive adoption and success through our platform.
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If you're a fit, they'll contact you directly via email.
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Pitch the business on how you and your skills and experience can help them succeed.

This is an opportunity to work with another side hustler to build something new. Share a few thoughts to get the conversation started.

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This is an opportunity to work with another side hustler to build something new. Share a few thoughts to get the conversation started.

Pitch the business on how you and your skills and experience can help them succeed.

We emailed your application directly to the hiring manager because you're a Pro Member.

If you're a fit, they'll contact you directly via email.
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