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Prospero is a platform that gathers millions of real-time data points on stock performance and breaks them down into simple, powerful signals that enable retail investors - novice or not - to understand market movements and identify short term and long term investment
At, we want to flip the script by empowering everyday investors with the data needed to make smarter decisions. We do this by providing free access to our hedge fund-level market intelligence.
We definitely need help on marketing, social media, like across the board. We are also looking for backend developers, front end developers. Please get in touch. Please pitch me on stuff. I do most of the hiring. I love new ideas. If someone knows how chat GPT works, reach out to me, we're redoing our website. Someone that's skilled in Chat GPT and you know, knows some of the magic behind those prompts would be great.
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Pitch the business on how you and your skills and experience can help them succeed.

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If you're a fit, they'll contact you directly via email.
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Pitch the business on how you and your skills and experience can help them succeed.

This is an opportunity to work with another side hustler to build something new. Share a few thoughts to get the conversation started.

Your application has been shared with the business.  If they're interested they'll contact you directly via email.

Upgrade to Pro to have your application moved to the top of the queue and have your anonymous profile featured to all other businesses looking for help on
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This is an opportunity to work with another side hustler to build something new. Share a few thoughts to get the conversation started.

Pitch the business on how you and your skills and experience can help them succeed.

We emailed your application directly to the hiring manager because you're a Pro Member.

If you're a fit, they'll contact you directly via email.
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