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ReRoute Americas

We pride ourselves on providing quality products that are eco-friendly and economical. As a supply chain innovator and disruptor, we provide buyers with an option by working with North, Central, and South American manufacturing businesses to offer high-quality products at a lower cost and with shorter delivery times. Our goods are created from entirely recyclable plastics and biodegradable materials.
ReRoute Americas is a wholesale restaurant supplier. We support the restaurant industry in meeting the challenges of supply and demand, food safety, and third-party delivery platforms. As a supply chain innovator and disruptor, we provide buyers with an option by working with North, Central, and South American manufacturing businesses to offer high-quality products at a lower cost and with shorter delivery times. Our goods are created from entirely recyclable plastics and biodegradable materials.
Our biggest challenge is cash flow. Because, when you start off, you don't have a lot of credit with these large manufacturers. Here we have the chance to work together with experts in finance, supply chain, and operations who can support us in responding to this challenge. Although we are active on social media, we still have room to expand on other platforms like TikTok, we have an opportunity to collaborate with content producers and social media experts that are interested in curating content around eco-friendly trends and the work we do. We are also looking for salespeople, you know, you'd be surprised at how many of our products are out there. Any person that's had any type of social experience, gone out and saw a paper straw can easily sell and know the difference between our straw and the agave straw and a paper straw is our person.
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ReRoute Americas

Pitch the business on how you and your skills and experience can help them succeed.

This is an opportunity to work with another side hustler to build something new. Share a few thoughts to get the conversation started.

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ReRoute Americas

This is an opportunity to work with another side hustler to build something new. Share a few thoughts to get the conversation started.

Pitch the business on how you and your skills and experience can help them succeed.

We emailed your application directly to the hiring manager because you're a Pro Member.

If you're a fit, they'll contact you directly via email.
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ReRoute Americas