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The first platform in the world to operationalize impact data collection, analysis and reporting. Right now we are focused on non-profit, NGO, CSR and philanthropy, but we are going into the for-profit world.
We are a diverse group of social sector executives coming together from all over the world to solve the data problem in our sector. Quantibly was conceptualized by Lexington Advisory Group and developed by iQuantile. We are thankful for the support from Conscious Venture Lab, Shift Ventures, and Orion Startups.
We are looking for help with partnerships, sales and marketing.
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Pitch the business on how you and your skills and experience can help them succeed.

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If you're a fit, they'll contact you directly via email.
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Pitch the business on how you and your skills and experience can help them succeed.

This is an opportunity to work with another side hustler to build something new. Share a few thoughts to get the conversation started.

Your application has been shared with the business.  If they're interested they'll contact you directly via email.

Upgrade to Pro to have your application moved to the top of the queue and have your anonymous profile featured to all other businesses looking for help on
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This is an opportunity to work with another side hustler to build something new. Share a few thoughts to get the conversation started.

Pitch the business on how you and your skills and experience can help them succeed.

We emailed your application directly to the hiring manager because you're a Pro Member.

If you're a fit, they'll contact you directly via email.
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