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Nitra is changing how providers in the healthcare sector access credit and financial services – addressing an imminent need for modern financial solutions that integrate seamlessly with complex industry processes. Our goal is to provide an ecosystem of fintech and software solutions that help doctors better manage their practices, so they can have time back to focus on what matters to them most. Nitra will offer physicians and medical clinics around the country cards, loans, accounts, payments, and expense management products they crucially need, in an all-in-one platform powered by machine learning technologies.
Nitra was created by unicorn founders who have successfully scaled to thousands of customers and exited $1B+ public offerings. They are joined by an ambitious and experienced team from American Express, Citi, PayPal, Capsule, Plaid, Bloomberg, Meta, Facebook, and Mastercard. The team is backed by some of the world’s leading VCs (Andreessen Horowitz, NEA, etc.) and is supported by an expert group of advisors including the cofounders of Square and Xendit, executives from Intuit, former Governors, White House senior staffers, and a co-founder of CityMD.
We are looking for help across the demand side of the business, including sales, partnerships and marketing.
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This is an opportunity to work with another side hustler to build something new. Share a few thoughts to get the conversation started.

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This is an opportunity to work with another side hustler to build something new. Share a few thoughts to get the conversation started.

Pitch the business on how you and your skills and experience can help them succeed.

We emailed your application directly to the hiring manager because you're a Pro Member.

If you're a fit, they'll contact you directly via email.
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